Insurance Insights

Welcome to the Program Insurance Group blog! Do you ever have an insurance question or wonder what you’re even paying for, but don’t want to spend hours searching the internet? We want to make insurance understandable, be your source for education, and explain common coverages. Check back often so you don’t miss our latest insurance insights!

UPDATE: Coronavirus and Business Income, Workers Compensation and CDC Guidance

24 Mar, 2020 | PIG News, Insurance Insights, Business Insurance, Franchise Insurance | View Counts (2113) |Return|

Update: 3.24.2020 - Our insurance carriers are also committed to providing resources, policy reviews, and informational content. Register for a FREE webinar on COVID-19: Families First Coronavirus Act Requirements, Layoffs, Furloughs, and Closures this Thursday March 26th. 

Click here to register for the Webinar

Event ID: 1001

Event Password: 9870


The primary concerns revolve around Business Income and Worker’s Compensation; the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America has two articles that explain how typical insurance policies are designed to respond or not designed to respond.

Independent Insurance Agents - Coronavirus Business Income Article

Independent Insurance Agents - Coronavirus Workers Compensation

CDC Interim Guidance for Business and Employers

For additional questions, you can reach our office at 844-744-7526


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